There are also some easy dietary changes that you can make to help lower your blood pressure.
Diet is far more important to lowering your blood pressure than most people realize.
And a low carb diet has been shown to help with blood pressure so effectively that many men can stop taking blood pressure medications.
A low carb diet limits carbohydrate intake to less than 20 grams per day.
Load up on potassium-rich produce such as bananas, sweet and regular potatoes, raisins, tomatoes… there are a lot of great options.
You should aim for potassium intake of 2,000 to 4,000 mg per day.
And while increasing potassium, you should be limiting your salt through all sources.
Sources of salt can be processed foods, cured meats, and even soda.
The best way to get the flavor you crave without the salt is to use salt-free seasoning blends.
The great food news is that indulging in 70% (or darker) chocolate has been tied to lower blood pressure!