9 Home health checks that could save your life!

The good news is that there are 9 health checks that you can do at home to catch potential issues early on, while treating them is easier.

9 Home health checks that could save your life!

You can do a home oral health check.

You’re looking for redness, swelling, any bleeding, or any raised sores.

These can be signs of gingivitis, or oral cancers, or even heart disease.

Now, take a deep breath.

Did you breathe through your mouth, or through your nose?

Breathing through your mouth can be a sign of clogged nasal passages due to allergies or infection.

If mouth breathing is paired up by frequent coughing, or wheezing, you may have asthma, or a respiratory infection.

Another check to do at home is your resting heart rate.

You can check this by resting for several minutes and then checking your pulse.

Count how many beats in 15 seconds, multiply by 4 to get the rate, and you have your beats per minute (BPM).

You want a rate between 40 bpm and 60 bpm since this indicates great cardio fitness.

Anything over this should be discussed with your doctor.

Use the bathroom before doing this test since a full bladder can actually elevate your heart rate and give you a false rate.
