Monday, March 31, 2025
You’re tired. All. The. Time. But do you know why you’re so exhausted? There could be a medical issue. Then again, it could just be something you’re doing. If you’re fatigued and don’t have any other symptoms, it could be the way...
For men, testosterone is linked to the spice of life. Testosterone affects sex drive. It affects weight and moods. Testosterone affects heart health and insulin. So it’s critical for men to maintain a healthy testosterone level for a healthy life. And what you eat...
Randy wants to lose some weight. He exercises every day, a habit he’s proud of. And he’s eating the right things. He balances his diet. In talking with his doctor, his doctor asked him how well he chews his food. Seriously? Yes, seriously. It turns out...
So, you’re trying to live healthier. What does that look like to you? For most people, trying to live healthier has the same look. They try to eat a balanced diet. They log hours at the gym to build muscle. But with so much...
Do I have low testosterone? A lot of men are asking. They feel tired. Sex drives aren’t what they used to be. And you’ve heard that low T has been linked to other health issues. If you have any of the following symptoms, you...
The debate on marijuana is fierce. It’s a gateway drug. It’s a medication. It’s both. Regardless of which side you come down on, there are some definite health benefits to be gained by legalizing pot. People have gotten used to popping over the counter...
We work hard to lose weight. But there’s always that spot. There’s that one spot that just won’t budge! No matter how hard you work, that spot stubbornly holds onto the fat and frustrates us. So you’re left with choices. Do you live with...
This strange fruit that they consume in Okinawa, where people live the longest lifespans on earth, may hold the key to reversing diabetes and even cancer. The fruit is bitter melon, and many studies have shown that an extract of...
Trying to build muscle is hard work. But a healthier body means healthy muscle. If you want a cut muscle physique, there are no shortcuts. But there can be healthy ways to speed the process. One of the keys to a higher...
Building muscle boosts metabolism. So a lot of us make muscle building part of our workouts. This is a great plan for quicker weight loss. And it’s a healthy focus for maintaining a healthy weight. But what about those supplements that a lot...

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