Does this lower cholesterol better than pills?

Simple, easy lifestyle changes to lower cholesterol


“Millions of Americans today are taking dietary supplements, practicing yoga and integrating other natural therapies into their lives,” says Andrew Weil M.D.

These are all preventive measures that will keep them out of the doctor’s office and drive down the costs of treating serious problems like heart disease and diabetes.”

Firstly, manage your weight. Losing even a few pounds can impact cholesterol levels in a positive way.

Exercise, not only with it help with weight management, but the improved cardio health will help increase the HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

Don’t smoke. If smoking is already a habit, quit. Not only is smoking a risk factor for heart disease and multiple cancers on its own, it decreases the healthy HDL cholesterol.

Learn to manage stress. Practice yoga, learn to meditate, try guided breathing. Stress causes fats to be injected into the blood stream, leading to increased cholesterol levels and higher chance of heart attack or stroke.