Try this to lower your blood sugar
Shane has Type 2 diabetes.
He hates his insulin.
And he’s looking for a natural way to manage.
“There just has to be a better way,” Shane...
Easy changes to slash heart disease
Heart disease.
Everyone’s heard about it.
It’s the number one killer in the U.S.
The CDC estimates that 2,200 Americans die of heart disease every single day.
These 5-minute make-ahead lunches lower blood sugar
You have Type 2 diabetes.
You monitor your blood sugar regularly.
You’re careful about what you eat.
Well, most of the time…
Lunch is often where it all...
Health screenings that could save your life!
Health issues can be stealthy.
Earlier detection means a better chance of cure.
You know screenings are important.
But which ones should you have done?
Here’s a listing...
How coconut oil can change your life
When you think coconut oil, do you think “healthy?”
Most people don’t.
Coconut oil is seen as a fad food.
And it’s 90% saturated fat.
Saturated fats are...
Is it true? Can diabetes be cured?
Can it be cured?
Several studies claim to have found the cure for diabetes.
The problem is that every one of them has a different cure...
These common household products can help prevent cancer
You eat healthy.
You exercise.
But can you do more to prevent cancer?
There is a lot of information out about this product causes this problem, or...
Common household chemicals cause cancer
Cancer seems to be everywhere!
So you try to live a healthy life.
You’re careful what you eat.
You make sure to exercise.
But the truth is that...
Lose weight easily, no pills, no diets
The latest figures on obesity are astounding.
Obesity causes a horrific variety of diseases.
Obesity has been tied to heart disease, diabetes and a lot more.
Vacation doesn’t have to mean no workout
Summer means vacations.
Time for golf.
Time to relax on the shore.
Time to enjoy a great meal in an unusual place.
But what about all those extra...