Everyone has a different pattern in their lives for their bowel movements.
They can be a once a day, three times a day, or even once every couple days.
All of these are considered normal.
As long as you’re not straining, and it’s not too loose that you’re unable to clean yourself properly, it’s probably all healthy.
And yet…
You could be still be doing it wrong.
Sitting on a toilet is actually not the way we were built to poop.
Man was built to be in a squatting position to properly empty the colon.
You can exert some control over your need to have a bowel movement by contracting or releasing the anal sphincter.
But this sphincter isn’t meant to do the job on its own.
There is a bend in your body that is meant to keep the fecal matter stored in the colon where it is and keep pressure off of the anus.
Sitting for bowel movements does not remove this bend, and can lead to not emptying the colon and rectum properly.